Ivotion Milled Dentures
Ivotion Monolithic Dentures
All zirconia dental crowns and bridge cases are designed, milled, and finished in-house. The process begins with model making. Traditional impressions are turned into stone models by our C&B department before being scanned into our modeling software via a 3Shape benchtop scanner.
Next, our experienced technicians will design the crown and mill from one of two types of zirconia. All anterior crowns are milled from eMax zirconia by Ivoclar, while posterior cases are milled from Bruxzir zirconia.
Ivotion Monolithic Dentures
The Ivotion Denture system comprises a complete digital manufacturing process which allows you to create high-quality removable dentures.
The integrated workflow involves digital laboratory fabrication methods and established clinical treatment steps. The new monolithic disc, which is at the core of this system, features both tooth and denture base materials.
One Disc
Ivotion combines a proven, highly cross-linked PMMA tooth material with a premium denture base material. The disc is available in the following tooth shades: A1, A2 and A3. In addition, Ivotion features the gingiva shades called Preference and Pink-V.
One Continuous Milling Process
The Ivotion Denture system comprises a complete digital manufacturing process which allows you to create high-quality removable dentures.
The integrated workflow involves digital laboratory fabrication methods and established clinical treatment steps. The new monolithic disc, which is at the core of this system, features both tooth and denture base materials.
Design, Mill, Finish
The manual work steps are reduced to a minimum. The milled denture only needs polishing.
The new Ivotion disc allows you to fabricate monolithic removable dentures by means of an efficient digital workflow.
Complete dentures are milled from one disc in one uninterrupted process, reducing the need for manual work. This is in accordance with the product slogan of “one disc. one milling process. one denture”
The new Ivotion disc allows you to fabricate monolithic removable dentures by means of an efficient digital workflow.
Complete dentures are milled from one disc in one uninterrupted process, reducing the need for manual work. This is in accordance with the product slogan of “one disc. one milling process. one denture”
Additional Ivotion Benefits
- Impressive efficiency with fewer manual working steps
- High predictability and accurate planning
- Convincing materials for permanent complete dentures
- Multiple fields of application in removable prosthetics
Send Your Digital Scans
Send your digital scans in-system by searching for Utica Dental Lab. Or, send your .stl scans directly to us at scans@uticadentallab.com.