Custom Abutments & Zirconia
TruAbument & Zirconia
- We have partnered with TruAbutment to help mill CAD designed custom titanium abutments
- Always the same low price per unit
- Abutment & crown designed together to create more accurate restorations
- Can be screw retained or cement retained
- We can restore almost any implant company on the market today using TruAbutment
- All TruAbutments come with lifetime warranty with a 5-year coverage on the implant system itself.

TruAbutment Dental Implant System Compatibility
Many products offered by TruAbutment are compatible with major implant restoration systems at considerable savings. Cost includes crown, final custom abutment & screw, soft tissue model, and abutment orientation jig. Additional costs could include any needed implant analogs or extra screws.

OEM Abutments & Zirconia
- Authentic titanium abutments direct from the implant company
- Can be screw retained or cement retained
- Come with a provided warranty specific to each implant company
- Higher fees because of authentic parts
Send Your Digital Scans
Send your digital scans in-system by searching for Utica Dental Lab. Or, send your .stl scans directly to us at scans@uticadentallab.com.