Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

Two Great Zirconia Options, One Low Price


Unmatched Strength and Esthetics

ArgenZ HT+ Multilayer’s highly esthetic layer distributionmirrors the natural gradient of dentin and enamel while providing unmatched strength.

ArgenZ ST

Natural Shade Gradient

ArgenZ ST Multilayers is super translucent throughout the unit and features proprietary laying blending that creates a seamless and natural shade transition.


Made with Argen

Milled Gold Crowns

Milled All Metal Crowns

Using CAD/CAM technology, a full metal restoration is milled using prescribed metal type. Send us your traditional impressions or digital scans and we’ll do the rest.

Precious and Semi-Precious alloys are available.

Scan. Design. Mill.

Full Arch Scan for Anterior Crowns

Send Your Digital Scans

Send your digital scans in-system by searching for Utica Dental Lab. Or, send your .stl scans directly to us at