Traditional Dentures
Full Dentures - Traditionally Made
Utica Dental Lab offers 3 options for dentures: Traditional Dentures, 3D Printed Dentures, and Ivotion Monolithic Milled Dentures.
The removable department at Utica Dental Lab boasts a number of highly skilled and experienced technicians. While we’ve made ample efforts to retrofit the lab with digital technology, some things can’t quite be replaced.
Following a traditional analog process, your dentures will have a quality and durability that over 60 years of experience has taught.
Dentures are made with Lucitone 199 acrylic via press pack method and use Artic Teeth by Kulzer.

The Dentures Process
Step 1. Stone Models are poured using analog impression method.
Step 2.Wax Rims are made to properl articulate the denture.
Step 3. A try-In is made of wax. All adjustments should be recorded.
Step 4. The final prosthesis is madevia press pack, polished, and delivered to the client.

An Introduction to Our Removable Dept.
The Elevator Pitch for Utica Dental Lab and the Removable Department.
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